OLC Announces Emeriti Accreditation Level

The Organic Land Care Program is proud to announce the Emeriti accreditation level, a new accreditation level for retiring AOLCPs.
Are you a long-standing AOLCP who is retiring (or has retired) from paid customer-facing land care? Do you want to retain your AOLCP credential without an ongoing annual fee? AOLCP Emeriti might be right for you!
For one final fee of $110, you can get lifetime membership to the ranks of AOLCP Emeriti.
Who is it for?
Professionals who held AOLCP status for at least 3 years before retiring from customer-facing landcare. You may still be teaching, volunteering, doing pro bono work, etc. AOLCPs who are newly retired, planning to retire, or who let their accreditation lapse at retirement may become AOLCP Emeriti now.
What benefits do AOLCP Emeriti get?
You maintain access to free or discounted OLC workshops, the OLC archive, the network of peers, and use of AOLCP badge in volunteer and teaching work. AOLCP Emeriti will not have access to discounted training course for others and may not use the AOLCP badge and emeritus status if continuing to practice landcare as a paid professional.
Please email Program Director, Jennifer Shaffer, if you would like to make your next AOLCP accreditation at the Emeriti level