Continuing Education
The NOFA Accreditation Course in Organic Land Care is the first step in organic training. The program is built on the expectation that land care professionals will continue to grow and develop their knowledge of the field as they continue in their careers. Continuing education is built into the process, with the requirement that AOLCPs attain at least four hours of continuing education credits every year.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) FAQ
Continuing Education Discounts with OLC Partners
ELA and NDAL are partnering with the Organic Land Care Program to support AOLCPs in advancing their learning and continuing their education in sustainable, organic land care practices.
- ELA is offering AOLCPs a 15% discount on event registration for most events and 1 year of free or discounted membership to ELA for new AOLCPs.
- NDAL is offering AOLCPs a 10% discount to select NDAL-sponsored events.
Discount codes for these member benefits are available in the AOLCP portal.
OLC Events for AOLCPs
Visit this section for up-to-date information about the OLC Program's online and in-person advanced workshops, presentations, and field days. AOLCPs often attend free (or may receive registration discounts) and have priority registration. Non-AOLCPs may register to attend if space permits.
Check back or join our monthly mailing list for updates.
All OLC-sponsored and run courses count toward your continuing education requirement, including courses and lectures in the OLC Archive.
If you are an expert interested in reaching the OLC audience, or if you are an AOLCP with an idea for a presenter or topic, please contact us!
43rd Annual CT NOFA Winter Conference
February 25-27 - Virtual Workshops
March 1 - In-Person conference at Eastern Connecticut State University in Willimantic, CT
CT NOFA is proud to present their 43rd Winter Conference, featuring a series of virtual workshops on February 25-27 in the lead up to a full day, in-person gathering and celebration on March 1, 2025 at Eastern Connecticut State University, in partnership with their Institute of Sustainability.
They'll be offering a variety of workshops, covering topics such as farming, seed saving, community food security, social justice issues, and more, including a workshop track dedicated to organic land care. The in-person celebration will also feature the presentation of the Bill Duesing Organic Living on the Earth award and the CT NOFA members' annual meeting.
AOLCP's will earn CEUs for attending this event either in-person or virtually. Click the button below for more information about the conference.
Partner Continuing Education
Partner organizations that offer pre-approved CEUs for their courses and events can be found below. Please visit their websites to see what courses and events are currently being offered. Pre-approved courses and events will generally show CEUs awarded for NOFA, NOFA OLC, or AOLCP.
Many other events and courses that are not pre-approved for CEUs are still suitable for AOLCP CEUs. Look to your local, state and national nursery and landscape professional associations; botanical gardens; community colleges and other institutions of higher learning; master gardener programs; etc.

Ecological Landscape Alliance
Since its founding in 1992, the Ecological Landscape Alliance has been a leader in promoting sustainable approaches to landscape design, construction, and management. ELA’s commitment to innovative ideas and evidence-based practices has made the organization both a trusted resource and a vibrant community of landscape professionals and devoted gardeners.

New Directions in the American Landscape
New Directions in the American Landscape (NDAL) is an educational organization dedicated to the art, culture, and science of ecology-based landscape design and practice. NDAL has been a pioneering influence in this field since 1990, and continues to educate landscape architects, landscape designers, horticulturists, and the gardening public.

Mt. Cuba Center
Mt. Cuba's certificate classes are open to everyone, from beginners to experts. You can choose to complete all classes to earn a certificate, or take only the classes that interest you. Students seeking certification must pass an evaluation after each class.

Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
The mission of Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens is to inspire meaningful connections among people, plants, and nature through horticulture, education, and research.