Organic Land Care Program 2024 Updates – Coming Soon!

2024 marks our program’s 25th year accrediting organic land care providers! Through the Standards for Organic Land Care, developed in 1999, our program defined “organic” for the landscapes where people live. To this day, the program remains the only organic accreditation for landscape professionals based on internationally-recognized standards.
Since its beginning, the Organic Land Care program has grown by leaps and bounds. Over 25 years, we’ve accredited more than 2,000 providers, and what started as a regional certification program in the northeast U.S. has expanded into a nationwide program, with accredited professionals and partner organizations across the country.
Today, we’re excited to share with you a preview of some big changes coming to the program this year. First of all, we’ve got a brand new logo, as well as updated AOLCP certified badges, to share. A lot changes in 25 years, and we’re happy to update our program’s branding so it stands out and looks as fresh and innovative as the work we do.
We’re also excited to let you know that we’re almost finished shaking the dust off of our website. In the very near future, we’ll be launching a fully redeveloped website. In addition to a new look that is friendlier to browse and interact with, it will launch with a number of new features.
- A new AOLCP map, with improved functionality to help connect clients to providers in their region and by speciality and an always-updated list of accredited professionals
- Access for AOLCPs to a library of videos and workshops for education and reference
- Improved marketing materials and graphics for AOLCPs to better be able to promote themselves as organic land care providers
You can also look forward to new training courses and advanced workshops for AOLCPs, as well as an update to our Standards for Organic Land Care.
Of course, 25 years of accredited organic land care wouldn’t have happened without the interest and dedication of you, our organic land care professionals. We’re looking forward to sharing our program updates – all with the goals of streamlining your accreditation and reaccreditation processes, improving your access to ongoing education, and helping you more easily connect with new clients who value the organic land care mission.