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If you have not yet registered, please do so by Sept. 30. Please share this information with your networks! Thank you very much. Fall 2022 Ornamental and Turf Short Course Wednesdays 5:30 pm, from October 5 - December 7, 2022 Click here to register today! Registration will remain open until Friday, September 30 …
Join wholistic land care expert Mike Nadeau, as he teaches how to create an Organic Native Meadow. Mike will take us through the entire process, including site analysis, design, seed selection, site work, monitoring and maintenance. The zoom session will cover the theory behind the work, with visuals on the process and what to expect. The following…
Contact Tracey Weiss, Director of Communications, at news@cthort.org or 860-796-0185 Connecticut Horticultural Society presents “Stone in the Garden” with Andrew Pighills Thursday, October 20, 7:30pm—In person and virtual Connecticut Horticultural Society’s ongoing speaker series continues this fall with Andrew Pighills, who is presenting “Stone in the Garden,” on October 20 a t 7:30pm…
Hello, The Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIPWG) is currently planning our 11th biennial symposium, which will be held virtually on November 3, 2022. In past years, your organization was a supporting partner for the symposium. Will your organization again be willing to partner for the 2022 CIWPG symposium? As a supporting partner for the CIPWG symposium, we ask for…