New Directions In The American Landscape (NDAL) Spring Virtual Education Series

New Directions in the American Landscape (NDAL) is offering a virtual education series this spring, aimed at land care professionals and home gardeners. This virtual course can be viewed live or as recordings.
Their accomplished group of presenters will include forager and wild farmer Tama Matsuoka Wong; Director of the Living Collections and Curator at The Green-Wood Cemetery Sara Evans; environmental consultant Dave Kaplow; environmentalist, wildlife advocate, and gardener Sarah F. Jayne; and NDAL Founder and Landscape Designer Larry Weaner. Topics will include case studies of low-growing meadows, DIY strategies for biodiversity and wildlife, “weeds” and gardening like a forager, residential meadows, introduction to ecology-based home gardening, and more.
Recordings are viewable for 3 months after each live session date.
Learn more about the series here.
As a continuing education partner, AOLCPs receive a 10% discount on course registration and will earn CEUs toward their 2025 requirement. To receive the discount code for the course, AOLCPs may access the portal or contact us.